Saturday, November 26, 2005

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a great Turkey day! We were a little overloaded trying to get out of town before the holiday and I just didn't have a chance to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.

We headed to IN to visit my grandmother, parents, and sisters. Grammie fell on Monday and bonked her head really hard. She was still pretty shaky when we arrived on Tuesday evening. We ended up having a nice visit, although it was bittersweet because my grandparents would have celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary this Thanksgiving. We had a toast in Grampie's memory.

On a lighter note, I have a show next weekend! I'll be heading to Youngstown, OH on Dec. 2-4 for a holiday show at the Butler Museum of Art. I hope those of you that live nearby can stop by and say hello!

OK, I'll have to write about the mouse poop cookies tomorrow:)

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